
Consequest poster
Consequest is my latest project.
My role in this project was lead designer, narrative designer and 3D animator.

Galebound games, focusing on interactive narrative, chose to pitch their concept in the subject Design & Research projects. The target audience are the gamers whom are looking for a game with more than only good game mechanics.
This game is about the consequences of one’s actions.
By using simple rewards the game deceives you in playing it in the most thoughtless way possible. They want you to have a good time, to just enjoy the challenge of hack&slash and collecting loot.
But don’t forget about the consequences,
it’s the goal of the game to confront the player and the main character with them.
The main character will be confronted with it by using an entirely different kind of gameplay. The character will be abandoned by his companions and be forced to turn around and head back the way he came. Now he has to do puzzles and work together with a little creature to get through the ruins he left behind. Forcing the player to look a bit more closely to all the damage he caused and the people he killed in the first part of the game and have him realize that what he has done is not okay.
A way this comes back in the design is that when you are making your way back you are walking from right to left on the screen. Also all the HUD elements disappear when you get abandoned and have to walk back. The gameplay changes from hack and slash mechanics to platform puzzle mechanics. By changing through the game between the hack and slash past and the platform puzzle present we want to appeal a broad audience of players. We want to show the player the consequences of his actions, but also keep the game fun to play.


View some animations here.

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Play it Here

Part1: WASD to move, space to jump and LMB to attack, P to pause
Part2: WASD to move, space to jump and the arrow keys to control the dragon, P to pause.
Part1: left stick to move, A to jump and X to attack, Start to pause
Part2: left stick to move, A to jump and the right stick to control the dragon, Start to pause.

Bloody Butler

Bloody Butler was created in a 48 hour game jam.
The concept came from question if we wanted to make a game with the theme “Comedy as a weapon” or “Everything is a weapon”.
We decided to go with both.

Play it here
click and drag items, as much as you want, then in the next stage, choose one and click and drag to slingshot it in your chosen direction. Your objective is to explode the Bathman and get his butler covered in blood.


Ungrown is a narrative game, a story telling experiment.
The game is about a cycle. from birth to death, but also overlapping it from different generations.

I performed the role of lead game designer and 3D animator
Read more about the story
View some animations here.

Unfortunately, due to our own ambition, we planned to grand, and the product was never fully finished.

Terra Incognita

Terra Incognita is the game born from a project called ‘Happy Aging’.
During this project we had to create an applied product, for and audience of people age 65+.

Most teams started work reluctantly, thinking making a game was out of the question, we decided to make the best of things.
We designed a game through which the elderly users could learn how to play games.
A gaming tutorial you could say.
In the end we managed to finish two genres: Platformer and tower defence.
After testing with our demographic, the result was clear.
The testers both understood and liked the Terra Incognita.

Play it here


Depends Who You Ask


Depends Who You Ask is a Narrative game made in Twine,
It was created in +- one week, as part of a seminar on Narrative Design.
We tried to create a murder mystery, focusing on the idea that everyone sees a situation differently.
My role in this project was Story and dialog writer as well as creating the story hierarchy in Twine.
Play it here

Refrigerator Simulator 2014


One man.
One Fridge.
One destiny.

“Filling fridges was never this fun!”

Refrigerator Simulator 2014 is a game made by Minor Explosion for a project called Design For Space.
The assignment was to create a game in which there were at least three spacial puzzles.

My role in this project was that of lead artist, All models except the table and parts of the fridge are mine. Design was tasked to multiple people, of which I was one.

Play it here
Press and hold LMB to pick up objects.
Press and hold RMB at the same time to charge your throw.
Release RMB to throw

Hugo the Great Escape


Hugo the Great Escape is a game made for the ‘Openlucht Museum Arnhem’. The assignment was to design a game with a part of the Dutch history canon as a subject. The idea was to create a product that makes kids interested in Dutch history.
Working together with three other game design and game art students, I chose the story of ‘Hugo the Groot’.
In this design, humor was key.
Hugo de Groot

Play it here